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Our Vision & Mission

One of the main goals of El-Manhal Laboratory is to provide an excellent and ideal medical service as according to our badge that the patients are always the first. We are looking forward to compete for saving the citizen's life which necessarily results in improving the community health and for achieving that, Advanced laboratory services and modern equipment are provided, on which doctors work with competence and skills that are necessarily required to help diagnose diseases or prevent their occurrence with non-exaggerated prices, reliable and accurate results.


ماذا نقدم ؟

فحوص وظائف القلب

8 اختبارات

فحص وظائف الكبد

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فحص وظائف الكلي

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فحص تجلط الدم

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Thyroid profile

5 Tests

فحص المربيات

12 اختبار

فحص هشاشة العظام

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فحص الام العظام

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فحص تساقط الشعر

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